ࡱ> CEB_ bjbj 0>5\5\((44D(LLLLL4666666$!Z-"ZLLLL44LS/-: 0,3"g3"3"TZZ%3"(> f: So You want to apply as a PT Director??? STEP ONE: Fill out the attached directing application. It should be typed. STEP TWO: Create and attach a professional quality resume, particularly showing evidence of your theatre and leadership experience. STEP THREE: Write a sample concept paragraph for a show. (This does not have to be a show listed on your application.) Be sure to detail WHAT the concept is (the way the play should look and feel), and at least 3 examples of how you would articulate that concept through acting or tech. STEP FOUR: Pick up an Independent Study Packet from Nardone and fill it out. (This is a short, hard copy that will allow you to receive an Independent Study Credit from the school that will appear on your transcripts. I only have this in hard copy form, so you can get this next week.) STEP FIVE: As part of the Independent Study packet, you will need to write a paragraph detailing WHY you want to complete this Independent Study, highlighting what benefits this course will offer you that are not afforded in any traditional classes offered on the Ridge campus. (Submit this now, and I will later attach to your Independent Study packet for you.) STEP SIX: Have your parents sign the Independent Study packet. Make an appointment with your counselor to secure a counselors signature, as well.. (Nardone will secure the Assistant Principal signature for you once your application is submitted. This can also be done next week.) STEP SEVEN: Review the rubric, and be sure you have done your best possible work! STEP EIGHT: Submit the application to Nardone! =) Applications due by email no later than 11:59 pm ON 12/5/15. Some things you should know when you apply to be a PT director Depending on the number of applicants, your application may be reviewed by evaluators other than Nardone. Keep it professional, and dont assume the person reviewing it knows you or your prior work. Performance Troupe is part of an MRHS independent study class. You will be given a calendar of weekly assignments, though the large focus of our work will take place during the FIRST quarter through practical direction of your show. A typed reflection and directors notebook are required to be submitted following your final performance. Directing is very rewarding, but also a huge responsibility. Be sure that you are willing to accept that responsibility when you apply. I am confident that if you are, you will enjoy the challenge. Your Final Checklist: %Directing Application %Resume %Concept Paragraph %Independent Study Packet w/Signatures (NEXT WEEK) %Independent Study Paragraph Mountain Ridge High School Performance Troupe DIRECTING APPLICATION PERSONAL INFORMATION NAME YEAR IN SCHOOL ________________ PHONE # CELL # _____________________________ E-MAIL ADDRESS ___________________________________________________________ INTEREST Why do you want to direct this production? What qualities do you possess that you feel would make you a strong leader for your peers? PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE What previous directing or leadership experience do you have? Detail this beyond the information listed on your resume, including positions held and responsibilities associated with that title. YOUR IDEAS: In the space below, list three shows (35 minutes or less) that you would consider directing and a brief explanation of why you chose that production. 1.) 2.) 3.) Rehearsal Schedule: The one act plays will rehearse in the afternoons simultaneously once our main stage production has been completed. What rehearsal schedule would you set and what would you do with your time with your actors?? Week One: Week Two: Week Three: Week Four: Week Five: AVAILABILITY If selected, do you have any other commitments that could affect your participation during the rehearsal schedule and/or performances? The final performance will take place in late February. Please specify any conflicts. Do you plan to audition/apply to stage manage for the spring play? YES NO If not, would you be willing to direct a show concurrently with the play? YES NO )*+6x + ; = > J T V  @ ijijijġijsāaaO# *h].h].CJOJQJ^JaJ# *h].hsCJOJQJ^JaJh].CJOJQJ^JaJ hLXhsCJOJQJ^JaJ *h].CJOJQJ^JaJ# *h].hu3\CJOJQJ^JaJ hLXhu3\CJOJQJ^JaJ#hLXhu3\5CJOJQJ^JaJh8hu3\CJOJQJaJh&}hu3\CJ(OJQJaJ(hu3\CJ(OJQJaJ(*+5wx  + > ? 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